It contains independent research and reports printed in technical magazines.

A variety of different press styles are available today, each with strengths and weaknesses. Understanding the differences between the press styles and how they may affect the application at hand will help you determine which press is best for your needs. Read more

In order to get satisfactory results with your pad-printing inks, you must have some basic information about selecting, mixing, and using them. Having read this article, you will know more about pad-printing inks and finally understand why they behave and why sometimes they appear to misbehave. Read more

Why is it a machine prints well one day and badly the next? Nothing has been changed from the day before - same machine settings, same pad, same ink, same thinner, and even the same press operator. But in most cases, one important variable has changed - it's the weather, or at least the ambient conditions within the plant. Read more
In recent years, several new cliche options have become available that have made choosing the right cliche for a job more important than ever. These different cliche types have somewhat varied requirements for preparation and storage that must be followed for best results. By understanding what cliche options are available and learning how to use these plates properly, you'll go a long way toward improving the quality of your pad-printed products. Read more